Note to Dreamers: Know Thyself if Thyself Wants to Change The World While You Sleep
24 Jan 2011

Note to Dreamers: Know Thyself if Thyself Wants to Change The World While You Sleep

4 Comments Relationships, Self Development and Transformation

A person who understands a dream knows him or herself and even understands themselves better. There is also a profound connection made between analyst and analysand when a therapist is able to to work with a client’s dream to the point of deep clarity and some degree of resolution. The process is meaningful and the result itself can be potentially transformative.

Analyzing a dream to the point of being able to USE its content and specialized meaning raises our individual experience to the realm of personal mythology. When I dream and choose to take the time and energy to reveal its onion-like layers in my psyche, I make a statement to myself and others that I care about my place in the world. In fact, the process serves to connect me on a conscious level with other people who also care to know themselves.

The process of dream analysis itself becomes a template for future self-inquiry and uncovering. It establishes a healthy working relationship between one’s unconscious and conscious selves, unifying parts to raise the whole.

So many of us say to ourselves, I want to make a difference in the world; I want to change the world in some way and make it a better place…Yet, in order to change the world I must feel a connection with other folks inhabiting the planet, otherwise it can be so abstract a desire that it becomes meaningless. Delving deeper into my unconscious self and creating a personal mythology effectively draws upon the wisdom of the collective unconscious and in so doing bridges the space between us in our waking life. That’s how we change the world by changing ourselves.

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Educated at Harvard, Trained by the Jung Institute, Perfected in the Kitchen. Changing the World one Relationship at a Time.
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4 Responses to “Note to Dreamers: Know Thyself if Thyself Wants to Change The World While You Sleep”

  1. Reply Mari says:

    Okay. Nice timing for me. I get that “the result itself can be potentially transformative”. Been there, totally get that.

    “Delving deeper into my unconscious self and creating a personal mythology effectively draws upon the wisdom of the collective unconscious and in so doing bridges the space between us in our waking life” << Do we really feel less connected to others if we don't? I suppose we would, any work within allows us to feel more connected to the world.

    Don't mind me, having a little lightbulb moment :D Thank you.

    • Reply Jeffrey Sumber says:

      Absolutely- I believe that any work we do within us helps us connect to those without! Thanks for taking the time to respond. We all need those lightbulb moments sprinkled through our days!!!
      Be well,

  2. Reply Alexys Fairfield says:

    Hi Jeffrey,
    I love the new ethereal header and the accompanying photo. Being a dream diver myself, I can totally relate to piecing the puzzle together in the quest for spiritual synthesis. That in itself is a mission of mythical proportions.

    Connecting to others on a soul level may be the mission we all have to follow to get back to the dream state from whence we came. Maybe in order to get here, we had to transform our dreams and realize the greater vision of man, mystery, consciousness and awakening to the dream.

  3. Reply Arianne Egloff says:

    What a neat story here, informative material I enjoyed it very much, really cool!!!!!!!!

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