jeffrey sumber
27 Dec 2010

Sarah Palin…Celebrity, Candidate or Girlfriend?

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I have a confession to make:

I can’t stop crushing out on Sarah Palin. I find all sorts of things to dislike about her, her politics, ignorant comments about Muslims, the Constitution, Death Panels. Yet I still find myself longing for her like the woman at a party who is with that guy but still flirts with me. Why does she still flirt with me? Why does she make me think about her? Is it me? I know I’m not that cool, yet she smiles and winks and well, she’s just so, um, seductive…

The lilting verbiage of the GMILSNW (Grizzly Mom I’d Like to Spend a Night With) should logically repel me, launching me back towards the comforting whispers of Maureen Dowd, Arianna Huffington or of course, my wife. Yet, there I am, denouncing, lambasting, embarrassing her to the point of ridicule only to slip her my room number after the obvious rant.

What is wrong with me? I feel like Don Draper around Jimmy Barrett’s wife. Stop me, please, before I regret something. Did you see her fire that gun on the Discovery Channel? She’s just so feisty! What if she is the JFK candidate of my time?

Surely it wasn’t the cover shot in her running suit or the rifle-protruding-from-her-groin shot. It wasn’t the silly guest appearance on SNL or her saucy grins on Fox News. It couldn’t have been the proud, concerned mother shots on Dancing With the Stars…What is it that bewitches me, you alluring governess, you? How will I ever be free from those eyes and live a good, honest liberal life?

And yet, it was really your year, wasn’t it, Sarah? Well, yes, you’re right. It was our year. You couldn’t be where you are without me, the entranced onlooker. I’m the one who can’t shut your show off because you are just so interesting. Just so, Sarah…

24 Dec 2010

Bat-Sh*t Crazy or Blessed with a Calling?

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We in the modern world of sound bytes and star crazed shallowness have a tendency to read or hear a 140 character, tweet sized encapsulation of another person’s perception of a thought, policy or persona and make our own determination of thumbs up or thumbs down in that instant.

First impressions are tough to change and in this day and age of digital dissemination, without some old fashioned “face-time” or the slow drip of getting to know someone so they “grow on us” it is even more challenging to survive the PR landslide of a bad review or commentary.

There are more than a few examples of people who are quickly condemned today by the media as nut-jobs. Take John Yettaw, the man who tried to single handedly free the Burmese leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, under house arrest by swimming to her rescue across a locked down lake. He reached her, spent the night on her couch, and led to five more years of imprisonment for her hospitality. It took a Clinton to win his release from prison.

Or Gary Faulkner, the Colorado gentleman who says he is called by God to single-handedly track down Osama bin-Laden in the mountains of Pakistan, handcuff him and bring him to the authorities as his prisoner. He has made eleven attempts thus far and has almost killed himself numerous times trying.

We have a tendency to encounter these folks on Letterman or the View and after their five minute spot, we decide whether we approve or disapprove, agree or disagree, like or dislike. Likewise, it’s hard not to watch Dateline or Paula Zahn and not have an instant “gut” determination of an accused person’s innocence or guilt.

Then again, we like to believe that the information we are being presented isn’t biased but objective, un-altered, free of spin, award-winning journalism… If Sarah Palin’s Alaska is hosted by the Learning Channel, then we’d like to think subconsciously that there is no make-up crew or massive editing, colorization and manipulation happening.

Remember the Reuters photograph a few years ago in Beirut during the Israeli attack on the city that was proven to have been digitally manipulated with enhanced color, smoke and fire? All the news that’s fit to print, but if it isn’t quite fit, we can give it a nip and tuck and we’re good to go…

Mohandas Gandhi was a British educated attorney who one day shed his three piece tailored suit for a loin cloth and a sheet. He decided it was his destiny to lead the underclass of his society against one of the mightiest superpowers of the time. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a little known black preacher who felt it was his destiny to lead the underclass of his society against the racist policies of local and national government. Lech Walesa was an un-educated Polish factory worker who felt it was his mission to lead fellow workers against the oppressive, hypocritical government in the Solidarity movement.

So, what’s the difference between “one who is called” and one who is “bat-shit crazy?”

Some people believe that Santa Claus is real. Some people believe that Jesus could walk on water and raise the dead. Some people believe that it is their mission in life to stop gay people from getting married. Some people believe that one person’s beliefs are right while another’s is wrong.

Sometimes the line between a loss of reality and a creation of reality becomes so blurred that there really is no difference.

22 Dec 2010

Albert Einstein was a Rockstar.

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Albert Einstein once posed a radical question especially for a scientist: “Is the universe a friendly place?”

Many of his peers were instantly outraged that a man of science would even attempt to place any type of value or judgment to the factual, concrete, linear nature of well, nature, for the question itself is as radical as anyone’s subjective answer.

There could be fewer more important questions in the world we live in to at least establish a tentative hypothesis, a working position. In fact, one’s personal response to this question is in many ways the defining point of one’s existence.

If I believe that the universe is a friendly place, conspiring in my favor, then from the time I awake in the morning to the time I close my eyes at night, my life rests in a cradle of positivity and purpose. I exist within a context of something bigger than me that supports my life. The parking ticket is a reminder that I need to be more mindful and share space with others. It is perhaps the extra moment I needed in order to delay my entrance onto the freeway before a terrible accident would have occurred.

However, if I believe that the universe is in fact not a friendly place and that forces in the field of my existence are conspiring against me, then my context is one of survival of the fittest, me against the world. I exist in a fight against the forces that would have me extinguished. The parking ticket on my car is an affirmation of a world that doesn’t love me.

What kind of universe do you live in?

20 Dec 2010

It IS a Wonderful Life…

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There’s a moment in the 1946 classic, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” when protagonist, George Bailey, becomes so discouraged and frightened that he had failed himself, his family and his community that he positions himself on a bridge for an icy, suicidal plunge. He jumps in, too, but to save someone else who jumps in first. While the story is compelling and does a great deal to inspire and warm our hearts, this moment is the core of the film.

For years, friends and teachers repeated the mantra, “one must pass through a challenge in order to get past it,” however the depth of this concept eluded me until I had taken enough plunges of my own to truly appreciate its wisdom. George jumps into the very same icy river that under different circumstances (despair) would have killed him yet when he feels pulled to the darkness in order to help someone else to the light it is not threatening. We have a tendency to project our fears, anxieties, worst case scenarios onto something and typically, it is that which we create. Likewise, if we project our hopes, dreams and fantasy outcomes onto a thing, we find the motivation and strength to keep pursuing that vision until it is realized.

George Bailey isn’t quite ready to grasp this kernel of truth at that point, so his guardian angel, Clarence, takes him down a path to see what the world would have been like without him. This profound experience is the thing that truly snaps him back into his positive, loving, compassionate self: “Strange, isn’t it? Each man’s life touches so many other lives. When he isn’t around he leaves an awful hole, doesn’t he?”

If you haven’t seen this amazing film, I highly recommend it. We watched the film with a sold out crowd last night at Chicago’s Music Box Theatre and it was a gas to see it with such an engaged and adoring group of people. Each time the villain, Mr. Potter, said or did something, the theater hissed and booed. Every time an angel said or did something, the theater crowd jingled their bells. While there is a Christmas theme at the very end of the film, it is far from a Christmas movie at its core but rather a “spiritual being having a human experience” film.

I believe we are here to encounter a series of third dimensional challenges and triumphs in order to come out at the same place that George does: We are all interconnected and if we focus our love and hope onto something, we will manifest it. The shadow can swallow us into oblivion or can serve as the point of creation from which we are re-birthed.

17 Dec 2010

You may be right, I may be crazy.

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When a government (headed by people we the people elect) say and do crazy things, are their absurd behaviors a result of the individuals themselves or is it part of a larger, systemic institutional insanity that is really to blame?

If a man walks into a school board meeting, spray paints a red “V” on the wall that resembles something concocted in and by Hollywood to resemble some authentic symbol of revolution, anarchy or dissent and then goes on to shoot up the place, can we say that his instability is personal and not institutional?

When a body of law-makers votes for a war based on unverified evidence of weapons of mass destruction but everyone seems to believe there are in fact weapons of destruction, is the insanity about the individuals themselves who voted yes or about the tribal consciousness that believes that one country has the right to attack another country?

When a couple of high school kids murder their fellow students on their way to eat an unhealthy school lunch and a few miles away hums one of the largest assembly plants that builds weapons of mass destruction, is it about the personal mental illnesses of the boys or the national mental illness of the corporations, governments and voters?

If a shark appears in the Red Sea (a body of water connected to every other ocean in the world) and starts eating tourists much in the way that Jaws terrorized Amity but the Egyptian government suggests that the shark was trained by Israeli intelligence to disrupt tourism, is it about the absurd ideas of an individual who suggests it or about the culture that allows such thoughts to exist? Jaws or Jews?

“What is being said about the Mossad throwing the deadly shark (in the sea) to hit tourism in Egypt is not out of the question, but it needs time to confirm,” South Sinai Governor Mohamed Abdel Fadil Shousha was quoted as saying by state news site

If I never had a fear of sharks until I went to see a movie called “Jaws” at a very young age, is it me that is crazy if I fear sharks and I live thousands of miles from an ocean or is it Steven Spielberg, or Hollywood, or a society that pays for tickets to see horror films, or a nature channel that airs an insatiable series called “Shark Week?”

We are so quick to label this or that person “insane” or “sociopathic” and yet we typically resist the notion that an entire way of thinking or doing can be mentally unhealthy.

I turned on the TV the other night to find Sarah Palin, a candidate for Vice President of the United States of America, teaching Kate Gosselin of “Jon & Kate Plus 8” fame (a reality show about a couple, well now a woman, with 8 kids, bad hair and an attitude) how to shoot a shot gun because they were going on a camping trip together with their kids and they might, just might, encounter a bear so they had better know how to defend their kids.

Sarah Palin, herself, is a fascinating example of how things have gotten totally insane in this country. Penelope Trunk, the Brazen Careerist, suggested that Palin is “running her career in ways I intuitively think we should all be running our careers.” Why? Because she left an elected position as governor of Alaska so she could better position herself to become president… Does that really make sense in the grand scheme of things? Or, right now, Rahm Emanuel, who left Chicago to go work for the President of the United States, is being pummeled here in Chicago, where he’d like to serve as mayor, because he left the city temporarily… Really?

That’s absurd. Isn’t it absurd? How is it not absurd? Am I crazy for thinking it is crazy? Are we all crazy? Is it just me?

I’m still afraid of sharks and I watch Shark Week every August with a fervor that deeply troubles my wife who would jump for joy if her husband would just once go diving with her (in the ocean).

One of the few times in my life that I have actually ventured into the open sea happened to have been snorkeling in the Red Sea. “There are no sharks in here, silly, it is just like a big lake,” said my buddy as we kicked our feet harder and farther, past the coral and into the oil streaks… That’s insane.