16 Oct 2010

Move Your Self

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Why do any of us ever feel stuck?

It’s not because we’re incapable of doing anything we set our minds to. It’s not because of the perceived obstacles in our way. It’s not because we didn’t go to the right school or school at all.

It is often because we believe we don’t have enough information to start.

“What if I make a mistake?” “But I’m just not sure if this is the right thing, right now…”

We have all been there at one point or another, and yet some of us truly get off on the feeling of stuckness! Yup, just don’t know what to do with this job, this relationship, this depression….

So, keeping this simple, today, I will just tell you what I tell people every day: START MOVING! Choose something small, and just do it. Push yourself to do something absolutely ridiculous or simply the safest thing you can think of, but do something. The beautiful thing to remember is that you can always change your mind down the road and change course, too.

Does it mean that you go from happily moving along in your marriage to DIVORCE in a heart beat? No, of course not. Should you just give your two weeks at work? Don’t be silly. HOWEVER, push yourself out of the rut by doing something different today! Invite your partner out to go line dancing if you haven’t gone out in three years. Take an extra day off work this week to do something totally out of the box like roam around the Art Institute alone and bring your journal so you can write your inspirations down!

Get the picture? And don’t forget the most crucial piece of this: Be Gentle With Yourself. It’s a process, not an end.