Who Is Your Co-Pilot?
14 Jun 2011

Who Is Your Co-Pilot?

9 Comments Humor, Relationships, Self Development and Transformation

Tell me how this God of yours works?

Seems like a great number of folks believe that if they believe in a “Saviour” God, then God will save them from bad decisions, taxes, and overeating. Others believe in one of those “Redeemer” Gods who will liberate them from bad relationships, bad governments and inclement weather. “Destroyer” Gods are less popular today although remain extremely central in certain social and religious circles.

What strikes me as odd is the segment of our society who define themselves as “non-religious” yet continue to foster a relationship with “Spirit,” “Source” or “A Higher Power” who will still somehow do everything for us. This has been popularized by the Law of Attraction and various programs of manifestation that become so oversimplified as to promote a similar projection of responsibility as the great religious traditions who suggest that if we place our faith in their God, then things will just work out.

While I am a firm believer in the notion that thoughts become things, I have not relinquished my relationship with my rational mind, personal experience and twelfth grade physics.

I believe in God. I do not, however, believe that God will do things for me that I do not want to do for myself! God is not my “Four Hour Work Week.” God is not my winning lottery ticket. God is not choosing the right candidate in an election.

God is my PARTNER.

We co-create. We manifest stuff together. We negotiate contracts, discover relationships and find parking spots together. God is literally my co-pilot.

I believe in personal responsibility. I know that when I make a decision rooted in a low frequency of my SELF that it will likely lead to low frequency outcomes. God, my understanding of God at least, doesn’t appreciate being a part of low frequency business deals, relationships and various other life contracts. God will reluctantly go along with some of these decisions because God loves me and wants to be supportive, but God will not use the vastness of God’s abilities to turn water into wine and make a lemon turn into a Ferrari just because I am a good person.

On the other hand, having God in my court is a huge plus. When I realize I have made a decision that is counterproductive; when it becomes clear that I’m not living at my highest frequency, it is really nice to have God around to consult with and recalculate the plan. God is always there for me when I need support. That feels really good.

While I don’t align myself with the billions of atheists on the planet who believe that God is an escapist fantasy, I do understand how it must seem to them when so many millions of people resort to their faith in God to fix what needs fixing in their lives.

To me, faith is a wonderful supplement to some good old fashioned common sense, hard work and smart choices.

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Educated at Harvard, Trained by the Jung Institute, Perfected in the Kitchen. Changing the World one Relationship at a Time.
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9 Responses to “Who Is Your Co-Pilot?”

  1. Reply Joker_SATX says:

    This is a really good post.

    I believe that you have found the difference between being religious and being spiritual. I am glad that this method works for you.

    I believe in God also, but not the way you do. God, has given me all the tools I need to live my life. I try every day not to waste them. Sometimes I fail. Either way is ok because my Non-Judgemental God lives vicariously through me every day. And to me, that is what makes getting up the next morning all worthwhile.

  2. Reply Cheri says:

    The most wonderous role God plays in each of our lives is that of a loving parent who, like our physical parents, understands that each child has a different personality and is motivated in this life by different needs and wants. So when I hear the man who calls on God to help him win the lottery or the athlete who praises God for having helped him win the game or the wife who prays that He will spare her husband a little while longer from his sickness, God understands what each person needs from Him at that point in time. And although some of these scenarios may seem to others like they are selling His existence short, and maybe they are, I’m sure in good time He will find a path for each to discover that their relationship with Him is actually so much more.

    I agree with your comment to Joker_SATX, we are an amazing species! And since we were formed in His image according to the Bible just imagine just how glorious He must be.

    • Reply Jeffrey Sumber says:

      Thanks Cheri. I would be silly if I suggested that I have never prayed to “some God” or “my God” when the chips were down, looking for help. Yet, I struggle with the anthropomorphized version of God, the one that makes the energy of Prime Source into the bearded wise man in the sky who will respond favorably if I ask nicely. I know there are millions of folks who believe that this is the God in the Bible, but it just doesn’t fit my cosmology anymore.
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Reply Roy A. Ackerman, PhD, EA says:

    Jeffrey- I love this. I am not even sure G0d is my co-pilot. I think G0d is more like my navigator. Directions are provided, but I can still get lost; hopefully, a beacon indicator is available to help me if i go too far afield.
    This reminds me of an old joke (new version of an even older one)…
    Uriah, aNew Orleans denizen, 28 August 2005. Cop knocks on the door. “You have to leave sir, we are expecting a category 5 hurricane and it is not going to be safe here.” Uriah stays.
    29 August 2005, 6 pm. A man on a skiff is calling out “Wade over here. The waters are rising. I’ll get you our of here!” Uriah stays.
    30 August 2005, 4 pm. Coast guard helicopter hovers over Uriah’s roof, where he is sitting. It drops down a T-bar, which Uriah refuses.
    31 August 2005. The house is under water, Uriah is not to be found…because he is now at the gates of heaven. Seeing the Angel Protector, he becomes agitated, proclaiming, “What the devil is wrong with you. I have been feeding the poor, clothing the needy, and protecting children my whole life. How could you let me die like this?”
    To which the Angel protector immediately replied, “Let me get this straight. I sent you a cop. a boat, and a helicopter- and it’s OUR fault?????”

    • Reply Jeffrey Sumber says:

      Love your comment, Roy! I have heard a similar joke before and it definitely speaks to my message here. All the best, Jeffrey

  4. Reply jan cirkola says:

    Like your message. But to me he’s no co-pilot. He’s all the power that runs through me. I’m just trying to shape and direct it. And he lets me know if I’m doing a good job, through the eyes of the people around me.

  5. Reply Kurt Chambers says:

    This is a great post! I totally agree with everything you said. I love to see a common sense approach to this subject. I myself am a believer in God, but I do not believe in any one particular religion, and found too many flaws in the bible to put my faith in something like that. I haven’t always believed in God, I hated him for many years. I called him bad things and openly questioned everything he did. Then he blew me away with one simple little miracle and I had to put my hands up and apologise LOL How funny!

    I don’t ask him to do things for me, or sort my crazy life out, that’s just silly. It’s my place to do that.

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